Holy Trinity Parishioners are invited to our educational, enriching, and faith filled presentation series called “The Rescue Project,” in coordination with the ACTS XXIX Organization. The Rescue Project can guide you to spiritual renewal and deeper faith! The series will be held at St. Vincent Hall (the cafeteria of Loyola College, behind the main school), on Jordan Street in Shreveport. (Note this is the revised location!) It starts Sunday, Sept. 8, and continues weekly on Sunday afternoons starting at 6:00 pm. Each session of The Rescue Project will consist of a 30-45 min. video by world-renowned speaker Fr. John Riccardo, followed by a 30-45 min. discussion. Light eats will be provided!
During May 2024, Holy Trinity hosted the Diocese of Shreveport Red Mass, which this year honored the Five Priests, Servants of God, of the 1873 Yellow Fever Epidemic. What a joy it was to host His Eminence Cardinal Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S. Click (here) to view the Mass online.
By unanimous assent of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Cause for Canonization continues for the five Shreveport Servants of God. Those Five Priests who served in our own parish could become canonized saints! Let us celebrate their lives and their service, and pray to God through their intercession!
Do you know of any man or woman discerning a vocation to priesthood or religious life? Contact the Diocese of Shreveport Office of Vocations, or click (here) for information.
View our Mass broadcasts every weekday (except Thursdays) with crystal clear audio and video at 7:25 am, plus every Sunday at 10:30 am, via FaceBook. Click (here) to view on Facebook, or click the big red "Live Webcast" button on the top menu above. (Webcast begins 2-3 minutes before each Mass.)
Please consider making provisions in your estate plans, trusts, annuities, stocks and securities, retirement plans, insurance policies or endowments to support Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Naming our parish as a beneficiary is a legally simple process. And because we are a qualifying charitable organization, assets left to Holy Trinity are not depleted by taxes. We are very grateful for every gift!